Dr. Arvind Hans
General Details
Email ID | : | arvind@umu.ac.in |
Designation | : | Dean Faculty& Associate Professor (Business Management) |
Department | : | Faculty of Business Management and Commerce |
Higher Education
- M. Tech. (HRDM), Ph.D ( JRF- NET)
Area of Interest
Research Design, Sampling, MultivariateData Analysis, Occupational Stress, Conflict Management, Locus of Control, OCB,Emotional intelligence
Professional Experience
Ph.D. Guidance& Award
- Dr. Viveka Nand Sharma on “A Study on the Relationship Between Select HR Practices and Organizational Outcomes in FHRAI- Listed Hotels in Jharkhand (India)” Usha Martin University – December,2022
- Dr. Khyati Munjal on “Economic and Societal Contribution of Business Women and Women Entrepreneurs- A Case Study of Jharkhand” Usha Martin University – September, 2023
- Dr. Prem Shankar on “Economic Upliftment of Tribal Households in South Chhotanagpur (Ranchi) Division of Jharkhand: A Study on the Impact of Horticulture (Mango Plantation) Scheme under MGNREGA” –December,2023
- Ⅰ1. Adreeja Chowdhury, Arvind Hans & Ashutosh Muduli (2023), Factors impacting research performance in higher educational institutes: A systematic literature review, Shodhasamhita , Vol X, Issue 2, 1659-1682.
- Ⅱ2. Raj, K. Hans, A. (2020). A Study on Emotional Intelligence Among Management Educators in Higher Education Institutions (HEI's) in Jharkhand, India". Kala Sarovar . Volume 23, Issue 2, 60-75.
- Ⅲ3. Hans, A., Aprajita, Khalid, S. (2020). “Occupational Stress at Select Private Banks in Jharkhand", Alochana Chakra Journal, Volume IX, Issue VI, 3246-3255. (June)
- Ⅳ4. Khalid . S., Hans, A. (2020). " Determinants Influencing the Choice of Non-banking Financial Company for Availing Consumer Durable Loans", Mukt Shabd Journal: ISSN NO: 2347-3150, Volume IX, Issue VI(June)
- Ⅴ5. Hans, A., Kumari, R., Akhter, S. (2019). "A Study on Training and Development Effectiveness and Job Performance of Employees in Select Banks in Jharkhand" ARISCOM Journal of Management (Print), Vol. 1, Issue 2, 35-43.RNI No. : JHAENG/2018/75345, ISSN : 2581-9631
- Ⅵ6. Hans, A. (2019). "Conceptualizing Academic Marginalization Based on Level of Accessibility among Reputed Research Journals and Publication Houses", International Journal of Science and Research.Volume 8 Issue 5, 1188 – 1190
- Ⅶ7. Shankar Prem, Bhaskar P. and Hans A (2021). A Pioneering initiative to Create Sustainable Income Gain for Tribal Households – A Case Study of “Birsa Harit Gram Yojna Under MGNREGS in Jharkhand (India), International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS), pp. 45-52, Volume-7, Issue-11. DOI details-iraj.doionline.org/dx/IJMAS-IRAJ-DOIONLINE-18281.
- Ⅷ8. Shankar Prem, Bhaskar P. and Hans A. (2021). An exploratory recent inclusive approach under MGNREGA for underprivileged women, tribal community and smallholders becoming self-reliant (Atmanirbhar) in Jharkhand State in India, Journal of Educational Management and Social Sciences. Volume-1, issue-2 DOI- https://doi.org/10.48112/jemss.v1i2.218
- Ⅸ9. Shankar Prem, Munjal K. and Hans A. (2022) Greater Social mobility of tribal women in rural Jharkhand: A case study of horticulture scheme under MGNREGA, initiated by rural development department of Government of Jharkhand. Tribal culture and social mobility by Abhidha books. 978-93-94058-05-7 page 166-173.
- Ⅹ10. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022). “Dynamics Between Virtual Teaching And Effective Knowledge Process For Hotel Management Students During Covid19 Pandemic.” Elementary Education Online, vol. 19, no. 4, Apr. 2022, pp. 7375–7375. www.ilkogretim-online.org, https://doi.org/10.17051/ilkonline.2020.04.765139.
- Ⅺ11. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022). “A Theoretical Study of Select Human Resource Practices and Hotel Industry Success -The Arbitrating Role of Employee Competencies.” Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, Mar. 2022, pp. 738–45. internationaljournals.co.in, https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/RAZXN.
- Ⅻ12. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022). “Tourist Attraction Perception of Jharkhand Cuisine: A Study on Tourists Visiting Jharkhand.” International Journal of Circular Economy and Waste Management (IJCEWM), vol. 2, no. 2, July 2022, pp. 1–10. www.igi-global.com, https://doi.org/10.4018/IJCEWM.306215.
- Ⅻ13. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022). “Tourism Through Regional and Ethnic Cuisines: A Possibility to Promote Jharkhand as a Travel Destination.” International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), vol. Volume 14, no. No 3, 2022, pp. 4366–74. www.int-jecse.net, https://doi.org/10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I3.563.
- Ⅻ14. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022). “The Arbitrating Effects of Leadership, Equity, and Integrity on Employee’s Organizational Commitment – A Study of Hotels in Jharkhand.” International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, vol. 3, no. 4, Apr. 2022, pp. 650–60. ijmaberjournal.org, https://doi.org/10.11594/ijmaber.03.04.16.
- Ⅻ15. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022). “A Study to Reconnoitering the Dynamics of Talent Management Procedure at Hotels in Jharkhand.” International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering, vol. 11, no. 01, Mar. 2022, pp. 41–46. www.ijnpme.org, https://doi.org/10.17762/ijnpme.v11i01.172.
- Ⅻ16. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2021). “A Study of Select Human Resource Practices in FHRAI Listed Hotels in Jharkhand (India).” International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 2, no 11, pp 280-287, November 2021, pp. 280–287. https://www.ijrpr.com/v2i11.php, https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.16972990.v1
- Ⅻ17. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2021). Essential Key to Success for Hospitality Academicians in India: The Requisite Focus on Morality and Veracity. IRAPA International Journal of Business Studies, 2(1), 35–42. https://doi.org/10.48112/iijbs.v2i1.125
- Ⅻ18. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022). “People Management Practices – an Empirical Investigation of Hotels In Jharkhand.” Rajasthali Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2, Jan ‐ Mar 2022, pp. 32-37. https://rajasthali.marudharacollege.ac.in/papers/Volume-1/Issue-2/02-06.pdf, https://doi-ds.org/doilink/03.2022-46299338/0206
- Ⅻ19. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022). “A Case Study Of Select Hotels In Jharkhand Using Green Human Resource Practices For Sustainable Development.” Bengal, Past and Present, Vol. 140, Issue: (VI) January-June 2022, pp. 43-49.
- Ⅻ20. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022). “The Role Of Training In The Revival Of The Jharkhand Hotel Industry During The Covid-19 Pandemic ” पुराणम् - Purana, Vol. LXV, Issue-1, No. 5, 2022, pp. 22-38.
- Ⅻ21. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022). “The Essence Of Technological Advancement In Trust Building Among Guests In The Hotels Of Jharkhand: Discussion From Post Covid -19 Era” Kanpur Philosophers, Vol IX, Issue I, 2022, pp. 87-101.
- Ⅻ22. Sharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2021). “A Study on Post-COVID Select Training and Development Practices in Housekeeping Operations at FHRAI-listed Hotels in Jharkhand (India)” COMPASS, Vol 3, Issue I, 2021, pp. 40-49.
- Ⅻ23. Hans, A., Mubeen, S.A., Al-Subhi, A.K.M. (2018). A Study on Leadership Style and Managerial Creativity in Select organization in Sultanate of Oman.IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 20(2), 58-90.
- Ⅻ24. Hans, A., Mubeen, S.A., Almanwari, A.K.M. (2018). A Study on Locus of Control & Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Hotel Industry in Oman. International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, 5(1),20-27
- Ⅻ25. Arvind Hans, Abhijeet Deshpande, Anitha Elango Pillai, Clery Janet Fernandes, Sargam Arora, Prabhat Kariya, Ashish Uppoor (2017) "A Study on Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control and Commitment in Select Private Management Colleges in Oman" Amity Journal of Management Research 2(1), 01-09
- Ⅻ26. Hans, A., Misha, N., Mubeen, S.A., Al Badi, A., H., H. (2015). A study on occupational stress and quality of work life (QWL) in private colleges of Oman (MUSCAT)" Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 7(3), 55-68.
- Ⅻ27. Hans, A., Mubeen, S.A., Al Badi, A., H., H. (2015). Antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in banking sector of sultanate of Oman. IJMSS, 3(1), 152-164.
- Ⅻ28. Hans, A., Mubeen, S.A., Khan, S., Al Saadi, A.S.M. (2014). A study on work stress and job satisfaction among headmasters: a case study of bilingual schools in sultanate of Oman – Muscat [Online]. Journal of Sociological Research, 5(1), 40-46.
- Ⅻ29. Hans, A., Mubeen, S.A., Al Ghabshi, A.S. (2014). A Study on Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction in Private International Schools in Sultanate of Oman [Online]. International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management, 3(1), 91-98. http://www.ijaiem.org
- Ⅻ30. Hans, A., Mubeen, S.A., Al Rabani, R.S.S. (2013). A Study on Emotional Intelligence among Teachers: A Case Study of Private Educational Institutions in Muscat. [Online]. International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management, 2(7), 359-366. http://www.ijaiem.org
- Ⅻ31. Hans, A. (2013). Problems and Prospects of Information Technology (IT) and IT industry in Jharkhand (India): A Case Study of Ranchi District [Online]. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 15(1), 67-79. http://www.jitbm.com
- Ⅻ32. Hans, A., Mubeen, S.A., Al Ghabshi, A.S. (2013). A Study on Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction in Semi-Government Organizations in Sultanate of Oman. The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), 1(2), 93-100.
- Ⅻ33. Hans, A., & Akhter, S., (2013). Emerging Trends in Teacher’s Education. The Macrotheme Review, 2(2), 23-31.
- Ⅻ34. Hans, A., & Al Bariki, A.S.H. (2012). Conflict Management Styles in Oil & Gas Sector in Sultanate of Oman. [Online]. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 4 (1), 1-15. http://www.jitbm.com
- Ⅻ35. Hans, A. (2009). Person – Organization (PO) fit and work outcomes: A critical review. Anusandhanika, 1, 66-76.http://www.anusandhanika.co.in
International Conferences
- ⅠRaj, K. Hans, A. (2020) " A Study on Emotional Intelligence among Management Educators in Higher Education Institutes (HEI's) in Jharkhand, India". First Online International Conference on" Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities”(ICCIASH-2020) organized by Department of Science and Humanities ,St. Martin’s Engineering College, Dhulapally, Secunderabad, T.S, India on 13th& 14th August 2020.
- ⅡChowdhury,A. Hans,A. Muduli,A. (2022)" Factors influencing research performance in higher education institute: A Systematic Literature Review". 12th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education ”(CERE-2022) organized by Indian Institute of Management Indore, India on 3rd-5th June, 2022.
- ⅢChowdhury,A. Hans,A. Muduli,A. (2022) ”Research culture influencing research performance in higher education institutes: A systematic literature review ". International Conference on Indian culture and modern challenges of education” organized by Kalinga university Raipur, India on 2 nd -3 rd May2022.
- ⅢSharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022) " The Influence of Covid-19 on Skill Based Hospitality Program-Understanding The Effectiveness of Online Teaching and Learning Process, India". International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference organized by Bali Tourism Polytechnic, on April 14th, 2022
- ⅢSharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022) " Green Human Resource Practices for Sustainability: A Case Study of Select Hotels in Jharkhand (India)". International Conference on Business & Tourism Management organized by Primeasia University, Bangladesh on March 16th, 2022
- ⅢSharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2021) " Attracting and Managing Talent in Select
FHRAI Hotels in Jharkhand (India)". Two Days International E-Conference On Recent Developments and Innovations in Business Management & Hospitality, organized by IEC University, India, on November 25th& 26th , 2021
- ⅢSharma, V. N., & Hans, A. (2022) “Exploring the dynamics of talent management strategies at select hotels in Jharkhand”. International E-Conference On New trends and Challenges in Business and Management Innovation, organized by Nehru Group of Institutions, India, on February 10th , 2022
- ⅢHans, A., & Sathyan, S. (2015). A study on occupational stress and organizational commitment among nurses in government hospitals of Oman. International Conference Proceedings of 12th Asian Business Research Conference 8 - 9 October 2015, Novotel Hotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand. ISBN: 978-1-922069-85-6
- ⅢHans, A., Khan, S., Al-Subhi, A. K. M. (2016). A Study on Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance in Government Authorities in Sultanate of Oman. International Conclave on Innovation in Engineering & Management, 24-25February, 2016,Waljat College of Applied Sciences, Oman. ISBN: 97899969-0-773-9
- ⅢHans, A., Mubeen, S.A., Al-Belushi. K. S. A. (2016). Effectiveness of Training & Development in Public Sector: A Case Study of Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries Wealth. International Conclave on Innovation in Engineering & Management, 24-25February, 2016,Waljat College of Applied Sciences, Oman. ISBN: 97899969-0-773-9
Editorial Review/Board
- ⅠInternational Journal of Engineering Technology management & Applied Sciences (IJETMAS), ISSN: 2349-4476.
- ⅡInternational Journal of Engineering, Technology ,Sciences & Research (IJETSR), ISSN: 2394-3386
- ⅢInternational Journal of Computer & Mathematical Science (IJCMS), ISSN No. 2347-8527
- ⅣAcademic Research Publishing Group, Business, Management and Economics Research, Pakistan, Online ISSN: 2412-1770, Print ISSN: 2413-855X
- ⅤInternational Journal of Applied Sciences and Management., WCAS, Oman, ISSN: 2413-3396
- ⅥAsia Pacific Journal Multidisciplinary Research, Philippines, P-ISSN No. 2350-7756, E- ISSN No. 2350-8442
- ⅦInternational Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies, ISSN: 2304-6945
- ⅧInternational Journal of Applied Sciences and Innovation (Infinity Sciences), ISSN: 2458-6501
- ⅨAmity Journal of Training & Development, ISSN: 2455-9911 (Print) | ISSN: 2456-1746 (Online)
- ⅠRegistered peer reviewer in The Research Council of Oman (TRC) [April, 2014- till date]
- ⅡAcademic Research Publishing Group, Pakistan, Online ISSN: 2412-1770, Print ISSN: 2413-855X
Professional Events and Activities
- ⅠOrganizer & Resource Person, One Week Faculty Induction Programme 2023: 12th October -18th October, 2023, Usha Martin University
- ⅡOrganizer & Resource Person, One Week FDP on Exploring National Education Policy 2020: Shaping the Future of Education: 21st to 25th August 2023, Usha Martin University
- ⅢOrganizer & Resource Person, One week FDP Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Modern Teaching, Learning & Research”: 1st – 7th November, 2022, Usha Martin University
- ⅣOrganizer & Resource Person, One week FDP on “Advanced Academic Development & Academic Integrity- 2021 (28th July- 3rd August,2021), Usha Martin University
- ⅣResource Person, National Webinar on“Capacity Building for Research Scholars”Two Days Date: -27th and 28th July 2020 (through Google Meet | Facebook Live | YouTube (organized by St. Xavier’s College, Maharo)
- ⅣResource Person, Workshop on Research Methodology ( 14- 15 September, 2019, Usha Martin University, Ranchi, India)
- ⅣCoordinator & Resource Person, Workshop on Research Methodology & SPSS (January, 18-19, 2017, BIT International Center , Muscat, Oman)
- ⅣResource Person, Training on Research Methodology & SPSS (August 15th to 16th, August, 2015, BIT International Center , Muscat, Oman)
- ⅣResource Person, FDP on Research Methodology & Innovative Teaching Methods (August 30th to 13th September, 2015, BIT International Center , Muscat, Oman), Duration: Two weeks.
- ⅣProgram Coordinator, FDP on “Advance Multivariate Techniques using SPSS & Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)” (September, 10-14, 2017, BIT International Center , Muscat, Oman)
Administrative Responsibilities (Department Level)
- ⅠHead, Faculty of Business Management & Commerce (April, 2020 –August 2022)
- ⅡProject Convener, PG & UG Projects/Training, Faculty of Business Management & Commerce (2019- till date)
- ⅢOrdinance Preparation & Revision Committee, MBA & BBA Programme
- ⅣChairperson, Criterion III – Research Innovation & Extension (NAAC)
Other Key Portfolios (Institutional Level)
- ⅠDean Faculty,Usha Martin University (April, 2020 till Date)
- ⅡCoordinator, Research & Development Unit/Cell, BIT International Center , Muscat, Oman (August 2015- July 2018)
- ⅢMember Secretary, Research & Development Cell, BIT International Center , Muscat, Oman (August 2015- July 2018)
- ⅢEditorial Board, E-Newsletter, IMPACT, BIT International Center , Muscat, Oman (2012-2018)
- ⅢMember, Industrial Visit Team , Ranchi University , Ranchi (2007-2009, India)
- ⅢRepresented NCC as Lance Corporal in Three Bihar Battalion & awarded “NCC A” Certificate (1992, India)
- ⅢRepresented university level competition in Football &Hockey ( 1994-2000, India)
Subjects Handled
- Principles and Practices of Management
- Human Resource Management
- Organizational Behaviour
- Management Principles and Practices
- Strategic Decision Making
- Organizational Development
- Organizational Change and Development
- Business Ethics
- Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
- CSR & Corporate Governance in Oman
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business
- Learning and Development
- Manpower Planning
- Performance Appraisal and Career Development
- Research Methodology
- Management of Workplace Diversity
- Training & Development
- Startegic HRM